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📙著:Stephen R. Covey The 8th Habit〜8つ目の習慣〜 part② 刺激と反応とその間にある空間について

Hello guys☀️

How are you doing today?

Today I am going to write about "The 8th Habit written by Stephen R. Covey again🖍

If you haven't read a previous article yet, please jump into the page and read that one before reading this page😊

↓ 前回分のリンク貼っておきます。


Last time I introduced some basic idea of him that we all have freedom to choose. No matter what happens to you, how to accept completely depends on you,not but others.

This time I will show you this picture🎛

We all take some action upon what something happens(stimulus) and how we response to that.(response)

But there is a space between stimulus and response. That's Freedom to choose I explained last time.

The size of the space affects how much we make better choices if something happens.

Additionally the size of the space is decided by our self awareness and the awareness our freedom and power to choose.

If you have a large space of freedom to choose, you can change your environment of workplace, boss, family and anything around your life.

He tells us when we realize and appreciate the power to make a choice, we become response-able and accountable people.

Sometimes people complain about their past and present circumstances. It takes us nowhere. The important thing is sharpening the accuracy of our choices.

↓ このリンクから8つ目の習慣を購入可能です!






